Pastor Bonne’ Moon
Director of PHSOM — Potter’s House School of Ministry
Raised in the mission fields of Zimbabwe, Africa, Bonné Moon experienced a deeply enriched faith heritage and emerged with a culturally diverse heartbeat and a lifestyle signature of “grow while growing others”.
After acquiring a degree in Horticulture and establishing a thriving landscape business in the Dallas/Fort Worth marketplace, Bonné joined with the cutting-edge ministry of The Potter’s House upon its inception in 1996. There she served as a tireless volunteer for 10 years, becoming a Licensed Minister in 1999 and then proceeding to be Ordained as an Elder in 2001.
In 2006, Bishop T.D. Jakes installed Pastor Moon into The Potter’s House Associate Pastoral Team, where she developed the curriculum for The Potter’s House School of Ministry and the comprehensive study application of God’s Leading Ladies.
With twelve years of service as an Associate Pastor of The Potter’s House Dallas, her current pastoral oversight includes The Potter’s House School of Ministry, The Singles Ministry, The Medical Ministry, The Communion Ministry, and the pastoral covering of The Women’s Ministry.
As an international speaker and sought after teacher, Pastor Bonné Moon is also the prolific author of a myriad of biblical studies and is known for her continual pursuit of God’s revelatory Word.
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